The SCARF-Model. Part 1

How can we minimize danger and maximize reward?

There are many change management models such as the eight steps Kotter’s change model, the ten steps AIM (Acceleration Implementation methodology) or the five steps ADKAR model (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement). They are all good change models and if adapted properly, work well in corporations. However, they are like kind of static.
In the old world, maximizing rewards reminds us to the carrot and stick approach. This is still very popular in the financial industry, where exorbitant bonuses and external awards are used to motivate and engage people.

As a change lead, you want to influence other people to reach the overall objective. How can you achieve this, if you do not know how other people behave under stress?
In the last couple of years, brain research becomes more and more important towards change management. This helps us to understand how people tick and therefore helps us in managing our change and transformation programs.

What we already know about the brain is the neocortex, which has two hemispheres. The left brain hemisphere largely facilitates logical and scientific thought, while the right brain hemisphere largely facilitates creativity and compassion. When both are in balance, the neocortex acts in its proper role as the executive command center of the human brain, and true intelligence (Intellect + Creativity) is born.

The interesting thing, which brings brain research and change management together is stress on one hand and balance with inner well-being on the other hand.
The mind, brain and the immune system work together very closely. Our immune system is in constant interaction with our thoughts, our behavior and our feelings. Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you are attached to something that is not true to you. Chronic stress, such as in relationships or in the job not only makes us more vulnerable to infections, but can also significantly shorten our lives. In the long term, it leads to serious diseases such as cancer and burnouts.
On the other hand, positive news, as well as spiritual balance and inner well-being, mobilize our self-healing powers, which prevent diseases.  When undergoing change programs, we should look at people as a whole, not only what functions they need to fulfil.

What is the SCARF Model?

The brain constantly scans the environment for social threats or rewards. The SCARF Model maps this monitoring and its social impact across five domains: status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness and fairness.

David Rock has developed this model based on the scientific knowledge of brain research. It is a brain-based model for collaborating with and influencing others.

The model builds on three criteria:

  1. The brain treats social threats and rewards with the same intensity as physical threats and rewards.
  2. The capacity to make decisions, solve problems and collaborate with others is reduced by a threat response and increased under a reward response.
  3. The threat response is more intense and common. It often needs to be carefully minimized in social interactions.

What does this mean?

In a world of increasing interconnectedness and rapid change, there is a growing need to improve the way people work together.  Understanding the true drivers of human social behavior is becoming ever more urgent in this environment.

In other words, social needs are treated in much the same way in the brain as the need for food and water.

The SCARF model summarizes these two themes within a framework that captures the common factors that can activate a reward or threat response in social situations.
This model can be applied (and tested) in any situation where people collaborate in groups, including all types of workplaces.
People are most efficient under minimal threats and maximized rewards. The change leader ensures that during the change program, the five domains reduce threats and pushes them towards rewards. This will result in more committed people towards the change.

Therefore, you can use the SCARF model to plan interactions with other people in such a way that you minimize threats and maximize rewards in each of the five areas.


Status is about the relative importance to others. Where do you stand regarding other people? How important are you? Where do you stand in the unofficial organization chart? For some people, status is more important than money. In many conversations, people attack the status of the other person.

For example, instead of explaining to a person what they can do better, the change lead should allow people to give themselves a feedback. Pay attention how the person provides feedback. People often drop into the “justify-mode”. In this case, I stop them and tell them to speak normally. There is no need to justify their actions. This increases their status.


Certainty is about being able to predict the future. The brain perceives uncertainty similar to a dangerous situation since it always tries predicting what happens next. Nowadays, things become less and less predictable, which is raises high stress.

The change lead needs to ensure people understand the expectations from the change program and aligns with the management to provide transparency what happens next. This creates more security. In some cases, the management does not have the courage telling the truth or simply cannot predict the future because there are too many uncertain factors. In this case, the change lead communicates the reasons why there is no information as this already reduces uncertainty.


Autonomy provides a sense of control over events. The brain reacts with stress signals when we have no control over a situation. However, the stress level is massively reduced when people have control and choices, regardless of the difficulty of the situation.

The change lead works out alternatives and makes sure that people have the feeling of choice.


Relatedness is a sense of safety with others: are you a friend or an enemy? When meeting unknown people, the brain first reacts with a danger signal. However, once introduced, the stress level drops sharply. People need a sense of belonging. The brain distinguishes between groups of “like us” and “not like us”. This leads to the known silo thinking of “us” and the “others”.
The change lead promotes cross-organizational collaboration. You need to build trust with the key people from different departments not only within the people affected by the change. Otherwise, they prevent collaboration and the change project will fail.


Fairness is the perception of fair exchange between people. The appropriate and fair exchange activates those areas in the brain that respond to recognition. On the other hand, threat is activated when people feel unfair exchange or compensation.

The change lead shows fairness through transparency and makes sure, people remain fair during exchange and compensation.
The change lead ensures the coverage of the five domains by focusing on the rewards and overcoming the threats.

In my next article I will explain how you can apply the SCARF model to your project.


How to Engage People in Your Transformation Journey

In my previous post I elaborated on the woodpecker’s connection to Excel. We’ll take it from there.

You cannot push others to follow your example. You must pull them along with you. When you show by your every word and deed that you are a person of character, one who works for the greater good of the entire organization, your people will follow.

If we can make them aware that a couple of years from now, they will be more disappointed by the things they didn’t do than by the things they did do – regardless of if they leave or if they participate in the change. Raising awareness is the key point here. Enable them to rise above. If this happens, they will forget, that they complained in the beginning. We need to observe and learn first before we can grow. With dramatic changes, we are forced to let go what we have planned. This hurts until we accept the life that is waiting for us. There is something beautiful when the world falls apart and we reached the bottom of our deepest pain: humility raises and opens our doors to a higher intelligence. By change, I mean changing our perception. The moment, we change our perception – it is the moment we are “rewriting our code”. It is like applying a patch in a software program to get rid of the defect code. It is like rewriting the chemistry of our body and mind.

The Change from Believing to Knowing

When people slowly start to move from the „believing“ to the „knowing“ mode, it will be more and more difficult to keep people believing in the great illusion. I admire people, who can change their minds when presented with information that contradicts their beliefs. I have not seen many who can do that. If the change comes from the outside, they will perceive the expectations from others as the bars they used for their own cage. They are not blaming others since this is a lower awareness level. No, it is a higher awareness of clarity and truthfulness. The mind, which was closed by beliefs now opens towards wonder.

The result of a change does not really depend on the impact but more on what the people feel towards the result. People can be happy with a little change and miserable with a big change.
Like it is said in the African proverb “if you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent the night with a mosquito”. The conditions and limits exist only in our mind.

Sustain the Change; Beat the Headache

It is vital to sustain the change. There will be always people who cannot comprehend the overall picture. To make a big impact, you need to be willing to be mocked, hated, misunderstood and hear defaming about the change program. Just stay strong. You will see the result. People are not the same, they once were. Do not expect out of them what they embodied in the past. For that “old” part of them, it no longer exists. And this is the “visible” result. You will also see the change in behavior. These people are grown up and do not judge or condemn things. Now, things either matter to them or they don’t. So it is a kind of a contradiction to have them supporting in sustaining the change implemented unless it matters to them. The crucial thing is the critical mass of the group changed. It is exciting when you change and you find parts of yourself in someone else. No matter where you go or where you are, you will add value to the work, spaces and lives of those around you.

Bottom Line

In a transferred sense, before the change, we got headaches from banging the change. Now, taking the woodpecker from the beginning, he adapted perfectly. He does not get a headache from banging on trees. He has thickened his skulls and has developed powerful neck muscles that enables him to deliver sharp blows without damaging his organs.

The change continues.

It’s not only that everything is connected, everything is also in motion. Who you were, who you are and who you will be are tree different people.
At the end of the day, take one minute, walk outside and stand there in silence. Look up at the sky and realize how amazing life is.

Why Woodpeckers Are Connected to An Excel Sheet

The Observation

Recently, when I walked with my dog in the forest, I suddenly saw a great spotted woodpecker flying just over me to a tree, landing elegantly on the tree bole and after checking the ground, starting to hammer a hole into the wood to start eating the insects with his long tongue. He was not even aware of consuming beetles that are considered as pests for these trees.
He doesn’t care. He doesn’t need no know – he just knows how to take directions and carry them out. He is part of a system. A system, which is connected. Not only the woodpecker but also the trees are connected. Take for example cutting an old tree. Other trees around are affected or even die. It is a force field. Mushrooms in the ground form a network that feed the trees. These are very fine threads. They give the trees growth substances and transport the minerals. The animals and the trees in the forest, they are energetically and physically connected, they build a unity. It is as if there is a nervous system, like an earth-brain and has a fierce impact if you take something out of it.
Everything is connected. You are a part of nature and nature is part of you.

So, what has this to do with Nature or Change Management?

The corporate world today is connected and we are capable to work beyond country borders and time zones. That enabled prosperity but also made everything comparable. If you can compare everything, you do not have alternative values anymore. Other values fall away such as time for yourself or dignity. The power of money is not interested in alternative models.
If we look at change programs coming from the top management, such as cost cut programs, they may look simple in Excel and managers claim to be simple, but in fact, simplicity is the most complex thing. Everything in the corporate world, like in nature, is connected and has an impact when changed. However, looking at the change itself, everyone has a different perspective. We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.

The true reasons of these cut programs are not explained. By remaining silent, companies are more checking how much truth or if worst, hypocritical reasons people tolerate.
I look at it from a different side when going through changes with the people affected. Some people complain – others do not.

Victim or not?

When you complain, you make yourself a victim. There are three options: leave, change or accept the situation. All else is madness. It is fine when I saw many people leaving a company when there was a merger or when a company acquired another one. They could not cope with the change and they did not want to continue to be a “victim”. Hence, they have left. It was clear to me that we should not watering dead flowers.

What about those, who did not leave because they were afraid of leaving? Those who made an “internal notice” and just do the call of duty without express any joy and enthusiasm. You can train them to let go of everything they fear to lose. That is the hard way. The other way is to invite those people to the journey of change.

How can we reconnect to what is instead of fighting against it?

In the next blog I will talk about how you can engage your people in your transformation project journey so they will remain happy.